Our data and market intelligence services provide all association departments – from communications to membership to events – a better understanding of audience goals and objectives to create new and more sustainable offerings.
We employ a consistent methodology to learn why advertisers, sponsors and exhibitors participate – or not – in association programs. This data-driven approach keeps revenue growth on pace and effectively eliminates the scenario where advertisers engage initially, but without substantiated return on investment, remove or reduce their marketing spend.
Our data and market intelligence services include:
- Evaluating your competition and determining differentiators that keep advertisers, sponsors and exhibitors engaged with your association.
- Surveying members (via email, phone and in person) to learn more about their product/service needs vs. current offerings.
- Surveying advertisers, sponsors and exhibitors (via email, phone and in person) to learn more about their marketing objectives and preferred product investment vs. current offerings.
- Utilizing conference/trade show opportunities for hosted roundtables and face-to-face dialogue.
- Creating revenue benchmarking reports to ensure engagement grows over time.
- Outlining future product/service investment priorities based on market feedback.